People are rejecting AI | 10 serious reasons why

AI is not a new technology. They have been working for several years in our smartphones, search algorithms, and video games. But when companies began to emerge AI into the generation of content or the management of our data, people complained. Many people are rejecting AI.

From RPB Marketing we categorically oppose the uncontrolled use of AIs. They can be useful for support. We want to highlight 10 reasons why people dislike these generative technologies.

1. Bias from incomplete data

One of the problems suffered by most users is the incompetence of artificial intelligence to provide 100% reliable information. They even offer incomplete data. AI is not a thinking organism but a command-generating software, so its results can lead to inaccuracies or inconsistencies based on prompts or lack of information regarding one specific subject.

2. AI taking people’s jobs

Rejecting AI is also related to jobs. What at first seemed like a technology that would serve as an adjunct to routine tasks is now becoming a tool for the automation of any task. One of the biggest fears people have with these technologies is losing their jobs. Many areas such as content creation, project management, art, and programming have been seriously affected.

3. Risk to data security

Major problems have arisen globally with AIs. One of them is the theft of personal data. Many believe that AIs can exploit vulnerabilities in digital security systems to take information. Unfortunately, there is little legislation that establishes controls on the data they take from users for private interests.

4. Surveillance and deep fakes

This point of rejecting AI is connected to the previous one. These technologies have been used for surveillance, espionage, information theft, and other digital crimes in digital media. This could pose a threat to the public and people’s security. Also, there are uses for the propagation of fake news, the creation of fake users, and other digital malpractices.

5. Unethical Practices

No one monitors, or audits, the information that IAs use. For an IA to generate content, it must be trained and fed. But where do they get that content? Their practices are considered highly unethical, involving plagiarism and misappropriation of information in violation of authorship and intellectual property policies. A perfect example is the current Adobe scandal over its updated terms and conditions.

6. Environmental impact of AI

An issue that is rarely discussed is the serious environmental impact of the use of IAs. To give you an idea of how serious this is, it is estimated that ChatGPT-3 training consumed 1,287 MWh and generated carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 550 tonnes. And, it should be noted, this software is now in its ChatGPT-4 stage, a more robust model, which had to be re-trained, generating more wear and tear on the environment. 

7. Lack of legislation over AI

Of course, when it comes to rejecting AI, many governments are already trying to limit it. The European Community is already talking about controls and limitations on these technologies. Clearly, IA needs regulation, regardless of its international acceptance or rejection. However, This is not an initiative that all countries are taking with equal concern.

8. Deshumanization of human relations and activities

Nowadays, a large part of interpersonal relationships take place through digital media. For example, several video game communities only interact online. Also, remote work has become a point of interest for many workers. Also, some dating apps have adopted AI models. While this has simplified and improved many people’s lifestyles, AI has led to the dehumanization of many people’s activities. Some AI tools automate communication processes or filter information that makes interpersonal relationships increasingly difficult.

9. Reproducer of a declining market model

In recent months we have seen the decline of many industries as a result of poor models of capital market reproduction. For example, the American film industry has lost more than 30% of its annual revenues and the video game industry is in crisis. IAs only aggravate this scenario, as they reproduce a corporate and financial market model that undermines international labor stability and devalues the quality of products originally made by people.

10. Potential schemes behind them

Problems have already occurred internationally, such as the reproduction of images, or audio to commit crimes. But IAs are themselves presumed to be scams. They have proven cases of investment fraud and other felonies that only aggravate their image worldwide.

Ronald Barroeta
Ronald Barroeta

Digital content strategist. +10 years of experience in Content Creation, SEO Analysis and Media Buying. Enthusiastic about digital technologies, humanism, reading, video games and football.

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