Media Buying

to promote

Ads on media


Instagram ads

Strategic Planning

Settings goals with data

  • Objective Definition: Understand the client’s business objectives, target audience, and campaign goals.
  • Budget Allocation: Determine the overall budget and how it will be allocated across different channels.
  • Timeline Creation: Establish campaign start and end dates, key milestones, and deliverables.
  • Audience Research: Identify and analyze target demographics, psychographics, and behavior.
  • Competitive Analysis: Study competitors’ strategies, media spends, and ad placements.
  • Media Analysis: Evaluate available media channels and platforms to determine the best fit for the campaign.
  • Channel Selection: Choose the most effective media channels (e.g., social media, search engines, display ads, etc.).
  • Media Mix Strategy: Develop a mix strategy to balance reach, frequency, and impact.
  • Budget Breakdown: Distribute the budget across chosen channels and platforms.
  • KPI Setting: Define key performance indicators to measure success (e.g., CTR, CPA, ROI).
Facebook ads


Creating & launching ads

  • Negotiation & Booking: Negotiate rates, ad placements, and terms with media vendors.
  • Ad Inventory Purchase: Buy ad space across selected platforms (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads, programmatic buying).
  • Content Creation: Develop ad creatives (e.g., copy, images, videos) tailored to each platform.
  • A/B Testing: Create multiple ad variations for testing purposes.
  • Ad Placement: Set up ads on chosen platforms, ensuring correct targeting and budget settings.
  • Tracking Implementation: Integrate tracking pixels and UTM parameters to monitor performance.
  • Compliance Check: Ensure all ads meet platform guidelines and legal requirements.
Media Buying


Encompass key points

  • Dashboard Setup: Create real-time dashboards to track campaign performance metrics.
  • Performance Analysis: Regularly review performance against KPIs.
  • Ad Optimization: Adjust bids, budgets, and targeting based on performance data.
  • Creative Optimization: Rotate and test new creatives to improve engagement.
  • Channel Optimization: Shift budget between channels and platforms for better ROI.
  • Weekly/Bi-weekly Reports: Provide detailed performance reports to the client.
  • Insight Generation: Analyze data to generate insights and recommendations for future campaigns.
  • End-of-Campaign Review: Conduct a thorough review at the campaign’s conclusion to document learnings and outcomes.


Media Buying, advertising on social

Promoting your products/services with media buying ads gets you to the right audiences quickly.

A media buying project typically operates on three tiers: strategic planning, execution, and monitoring & optimization. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of each tier that we offer:

  • Client Brief & Goal Setting. Objective Definition, Target Audience, Budget Allocation.
  • Market Research & Analysis. Audience Insights, Competitive Analysis, and Media Landscape.
  • Media Planning. Channel Selection, Media Mix Strategy, Budget Distribution, KPI Setting.
  • Media Buying. Negotiation & Booking, Ad Inventory Purchase.
  • Campaign Setup. Ad Placement, Tracking Implementation, Compliance Check.
  • Monitoring & Optimization. Ad Optimization, Channel Optimization.
  • Reporting & Insights. Reports, Insight Generation, End-of-Campaign Review.
  • Post-Campaign Analysis. ROI Calculation, Client Feedback, Strategy Adjustment.

The structure of a media buying project involves an approach encompassing strategic planning, execution, and continuous monitoring. Each tier is critical in ensuring the campaign meets its objectives and delivers maximum ROI for the client. 


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